Our Curriculum
At Bratton Primary School, our curriculum has been carefully planned, sequenced and developed to be ambitious, relevant to our school and its locality and built on high quality learning experiences. Children travel through an exciting and adventurous curriculum journey, ensuring they access the full range of subjects and content, whilst developing through a progression of skills and knowledge.
One of the key challenges for our school, with its ever changing year group sizes and therefore shifting class structures, is ensuring a consistent experience for the children in their learning. To address this, we now have in place a four year rolling programme at Key Stage 2 which follows on from the single year group structures in Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2. This ensures full curriculum coverage, which has proven impossible in the past, whilst allowing us to map knowledge growth and skill development within specific years.
Our intent is for our curriculum to be engaging, challenging, thought provoking and enjoyable, with a mix of high quality practical experiences and detailed and worthwhile knowledge development. We believe in providing our children with an exciting, creative curriculum based on a carefully planned thematic approach. Teachers plan the curriculum with a focus on developing the key skills necessary for confident and effective learning, which is enriched through the provision of additional activities and opportunities. We welcome visitors into the school to share their skills with the children. We also ensure that we have close links with the local community and our children are regular visitors to local events and places of interest.
We want our children to:
- Learn about and from the lives of inspirational people
- Have high aspirations for their futures
- Understand, appreciate and celebrate the rich and diverse society in which they live in modern day Britain whilst developing a strong sense of belonging to and responsibility for their local area and the wider world
- Have a rich vocabulary to help them to understand, articulate and express their thoughts and ideas
- Appreciate the importance of leading healthy lives, understanding how to take care of their physical and mental well-being
Curriculum Information Evening
BPS Curriculum Information Evening
EYFS and KS1 Long Term Plans
EYFS Curriculum Overview
Year 1 Curriculum Overview
Year 2 Curriuclum Overview

KS2 4 Year Rolling Curriculum
Bratton Primary School KS2 Curriculum Year A
Bratton Primary School KS2 Curriculum Year B
Bratton Primary School KS2 Curriculum Year C
Bratton Primary School KS2 Curriculum Year D
KS2 Wider Curriculum
Leopard Class Wider Curriuclum
Antelope Class Wider Curriuclum
Meerkat Class Wider Curriculum