At Bratton Primary School we believe that all children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they achieve their best.
We aim to ensure that children and young people with special educational needs and or disability (SEN/D) engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN/D.
All pupils will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Our teachers set high expectations for every pupil, whatever their prior attainment and they use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious.
Potential areas of difficulty are identified, using the WGRSS (Wiltshire Graduated Response to Supporting SEN) and addressed at the outset and lessons are planned to address areas of difficulty and to remove barriers to pupil achievement. Quality first teaching will support the children through scaffolding and learning aids. Specific interventions the child receives are recorded on an individual intervention and tracking record. This allows the teachers to track the child’s progress and attainment, both in the long and short term, linking to the provision they are receiving.
The SENDCO, who is on our Senior Leadership Team, is responsible for co-ordinating the day-to-day provision of education for students with SEN/D. This is currently Mrs L. Gullen who can be contacted sendco@bratton.wilts.sch.uk
All class teachers have responsibility for meeting the needs of all students including those with SEN/D.
The needs of students with SEN/D are discussed with all staff prior to the beginning of each school year. The special needs list is up-dated after student SEN/D review and is constantly under review. Teachers assess the children in their class termly, reviewing the needs of the children regularly throughout the year, therefore evaluating the effectiveness of the provision.
Teaching assistants work closely with teachers and the SENDCO to ensure that adjustments and interventions are having an impact and resulting in sustained learning. The deployment of our teaching assistants is directly linked to the needs of the children within the school, which is reviewed termly.
The progress of pupils with SEN/D is reviewed at the end of each ‘big term’ – Autumn, Spring, Summer. Parents with pupils who have funded My Plans are an integral part of the Annual Review process. Parents are also welcome to book an appointment with their class teacher or Mrs Gullen (SENDCo) at a mutually convenient time, if they have any concerns between review meetings. The children play a key part in their own development. Therefore, when appropriate, the children are invited to review meetings and are consulted with regularly.
Students with SEN/D are admitted on exactly the same criteria as other students. Provision for students with SEN/D, including those with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP) is reviewed on entry and continuity of support is maintained where possible.
Links are maintained to ensure a smooth transfer on school entry through liaison and visits to local Early Years Settings and School Start where necessary. Children are invited to visit Bratton Primary School for induction visits in the term before they start school. If necessary, the school liaises with other agencies at this stage.
Children with SEN/D who transfer from other schools are supported through their induction to the school by the class teacher, SENDCO and by classroom ‘buddies’ to ensure that they have a smooth transition.
Close links are maintained with secondary school in the Bratton/Westbury area, to ensure smooth transition between Years 6 and 7. Transition arrangements include a pre-visit by all children to the secondary school. Meetings are held for all parents of children in Year 6 during the Spring term with the opportunity for parents to visit the secondary school in the Summer term and discuss any individual needs. Staff from the secondary schools visit Bratton Primary School ahead of the transition to secondary.
There is no special unit on the site.
The school aims to meet a range of special educational needs, including those Moderate Learning Difficulties and Emotional/Behavioural Difficulties, which would be expected to be found in a mainstream school. This also includes children who are looked after by the Local Authority. The member of staff responsible for looked after children is Mrs Gullen.
The school has specialisms in dyslexia and social and communication difficulties and class teachers plan adjustments so that all pupils are included in all lessons. The social, emotional and mental health of children with SEN/D is supported through our ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants) team. This is essential to ensure children with SEN are fully integrated into school life. This includes listening to the views of individual children and preventing bullying from peers.
When identified by the use of the WGRSS document, when children’s needs are significant and require specialist provision, we work with outside agencies such as Learning and Behaviour Support, Educational Psychological Service, Speech and Language Support and a Parent Support Advisor.
The SENDCO has certification in ‘Vulnerable Learners and Inclusion’.
At present all areas in the school building are not accessible to students in wheelchairs. There is a toilet for disabled people. There are members of staff who are qualified First Aiders, with some Staff having attained Paediatric First Aider level. There is a dedicated SENDCO/Inclusion Lead meeting room.
Additionally, other meeting rooms and a spare classroom are regularly used by the Educational Psychologist, Learning Support Teachers and Speech and Language Specialists.
All classes have space available for specific group/individual work.
If you require more information please contact your child’s class teacher, Mrs Gullen (SENDCo) or contact Mrs Bunce (Admin Officer) on 01380 830511 or admin@bratton.wilts.sch.uk
Our SEND policy is available online. You could also visit www.wiltshirelocaloffer.org.uk for further information and support.
If a parent with a child with SEN/D wishes to make a complaint, it is paramount that they follow our complaints procedure. The first step will always be to speak to the class teacher and/or the SENDCO.
Policies to refer to:
- SEND policy
- Equality and Diversity policy
- Teaching and Learning policy
- Behaviour and Anti-Bullying policy
- Complaints policy