
Bratton Primary School

Physical Education

Intent – Our PE curriculum is designed to:

At Bratton, we believe that Physical Education (PE) plays a vital role in the holistic development of our pupils. Our intent is to provide outstanding PE provision that not only promotes physical well-being, but also fosters the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of our pupils. We aim to inspire a lifelong love for physical activity, nurture a positive attitude towards health and fitness, and develop essential life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and perseverance through PE. The Real PE scheme and the National Curriculum are used to set out objectives for each year group and give teachers the knowledge and confidence to teach exciting and effective PE lessons.

Implementation – What does PE look like at Bratton Primary School?

Our teachers create a positive, motivating, and inclusive learning environment, where every child feels supported and encouraged to participate. We promote inclusive teaching, enabling all pupils, regardless of their ability, to make progress and achieve their potential. Lessons are carefully planned to provide a balance between skill development, physical fitness, and enjoyment.

To enrich the PE experience beyond the curriculum, we offer a range of extra-curricular activities. These include sports clubs, inter-school competitions, intra-school events, and opportunities to represent the school. These activities encourage active participation, teamwork, leadership skills, and healthy competition. They also foster a sense of belonging and school pride among our pupils.

  • PE at Bratton provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including invasion games, net & wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor & adventure activities.
  • The long-term plan sets out the PE units that are to be taught throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met. To enable us to ensure children learn and develop skills over time, we use a scheme of work called RealPE.
  • Pupils participate in two high quality PE lessons each week.
  • Each year, a small group of Year 6 children are invited to become Sports Leaders for the school. They develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs, our annual Sports Day and any other sporting activities.
  • Children participate in workshops covering a variety of sports throughout the year. For example, cricket, outdoor and adventure, martial arts and skipping, all providing the children with an opportunity to develop, improve their fitness and to try something new.
  • Children in Key Stage 2 attend weekly swimming sessions for one term as part of the Curriculum offer. We repeat the course later in school for any children that are still unable to swim (this usually takes place in Year 6).
  • In order to promote healthy lifestyles, we discuss the impact of exercise on our bodies. We encourage parents to pack healthy lunchboxes and offer a fruit snack and milk during the day. We build in opportunities for short bursts of activity and mindfulness, using a range of resources such as Wake and Shake, GoNoodle, Just Dance and Cosmic Yoga.


Our intent is to foster a love for physical activity that extends beyond the school setting. We seek to increase pupil participation and engagement in physical activities both within and outside of school. By providing diverse and enjoyable PE experiences, introducing a variety of sports and activities, and celebrating individual accomplishments, we inspire our pupils to lead active lifestyles, join community sports clubs, and pursue lifelong participation in physical activity.

Our inclusive approach creates a positive impact on pupils’ attitudes towards diversity and inclusion. By promoting a supportive and respectful environment within our PE lessons, we demonstrate and celebrate the diverse abilities, backgrounds, and cultures of our pupils. Through collaborative activities, they learn to appreciate and value the contributions of others, fostering mutual respect and empathy. This leads to a broader positive impact on the school’s ethos and the wider community.


Weekly PE sessions at Bratton Primary

Termly Yoga Sessions

2023-2024 Sports Ambassadors

Intra-School Sports Competitions

Sports Day

Sports Week