Intent – Our Science curriculum is designed to:
- Take a small steps approach to Science teaching which closely follows the National Curriculum for Science.
- Develop children’s Scientific understanding.
- Develop children’s Scientific ideas.
- Use practical approaches to Science and scientific language in a fun logical way.
- Give full coverage of the National Curriculum, whilst also covering Scientific questions around sustainability and the planet, helping children develop an empathy for the local and wider environment.
- Develop curiosity in children to find out about the world around them and how it works, preparing them for the opportunities,
responsibilities and experience of later life. - Encourage children to be ambitious and develop aspirations for careers in Science.
- Develop children who question, show curiosity and wish to investigate.
Implementation – What does Science look like at Bratton Primary School?
At Bratton we are pleased to closely follow White Rose Education across the school. White Rose Education is an organisation that aims
to work collaboratively with teachers across the country to improve Science teaching. White Rose provides suggestions and sample materials in a structured coherent step by step curriculum to develop pupils into Scientific thinkers.
We believe by using White Rose Education to support our curriculum design, teaching and learning helps all our teachers become world-class teachers of Science. The scheme heavily informs the steps in each unit and learning intentions for each lesson, however it does not trump professional judgement, understanding that our teachers know their classes best and will make adaptation to materials and pace where necessary.
Through experiment, practice and discussion, children gain core knowledge around:
- Scientific vocabulary.
- ‘Working scientifically’ skills including systematic and careful observations and following practical scientific methods.
- The gathering and interpretation of straightforward scientific evidence.
- The use of everyday materials and scientific equipment to solve science problems.
- Articulating scientific concepts and using five types of science inquiries.
We believe that children should be taught Science in a way that helps nurture an understanding of the value of scientific skills. We think
science learning should be engaging and inspiring.
Curriculummapping.pdf (whiteroseeducation.com)
How is Science enriched at Bratton Primary School?
At Bratton we want all the children to be scientists and love Science. Alongside our regular Science activities, the school has extensive
grounds including forest school area, wildlife pond, fields and courtyard garden, where the children look at plant growth and the animal life cycles. We provide our children with a range of trips, including the Westbury White Horse, Zoolab and we have frequent visitors to school, to give the children first hand experiences, including visits from STEM ambassadors and Bath University both lecturers and students. We also provide each term small group forest school sessions that give the children opportunities to enhance their
learning within the classroom. During our annual Science Week, Bratton provides exciting and enriching child led experiments and investigations to deepen the children of Bratton scientific knowledge.
Impact – At Bratton Primary School children will:
Develop their scientific skills and knowledge throughout their time at Bratton Primary. In Early Years children will look at units such
as Seasonal changes and are assessed through observations. In KS1 and KS2, they cover many units including Electricity, Light, Animals including humans, Forces and many more.
In KS2 they deepen their knowledge by undertaking independent research and planning their own investigations.
Throughout all of this the child’s enjoyment of Science is a key element, running alongside the scientific skills and objectives.
Science With Bath University!
We are very lucky to have a link with Bath University Chemistry department and annually welcome students from the university to carry out some extraordinary Science investigations with our KS2 children. This year the children got to explore their senses and the magic of taste, touch and smell. The day even included chocolate!
This was followed up during our Science Day where one of the Chemistry Lecturers came to showcase some fantastic Chemistry experiments to each of our classes.