Bratton Primary School

School Meals

All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are offered a free school meal. As we have an on-site kitchen, hot meals are prepared fresh daily for all children. Schools are legally required to provide meals that comply with the School Food Standards. These standards are intended to ensure that children get the nutrition they need across the whole school day and govern all food and drink on offer within the school. We work with our kitchen staff, in liaison with parents, to cater for any pupils with special dietary needs. Menus are supplied to parents in advance so that meals can be pre-ordered; parents can choose not to take-up a school lunch for their child, in which case children should bring a healthy packed lunch into school.

Children in KS2 may also order a hot meal for a cost of £2.41 per day (paid in advance) or they can choose to bring a packed lunch into school. We encourage these packed lunches to be healthy in content and ask parents not to include sweets, chocolate, crisps or fizzy drinks. If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please collect a form from the school office. Please note we are a nut free school.

Milk will be offered free of charge to pupils entitled to free school meals, and to all pupils where it forms part of the free school lunch to infants (children under 5 years of age). Parents of KS2 pupils will be given details of how to order and pay for school milk if they require it. For further information about the National Milk Scheme, please visit Cool Milk.

HEALTHY EATING We are committed to promoting and monitoring healthy food at break and lunch times. Different teaching styles and learning opportunities are offered to pupils to develop their awareness and understanding of healthier eating and basic food safety practices, including regular opportunities to cook with staff.

SNACK TIME You may like your child to have a mid-morning snack. We welcome fruit and vegetables, and would ask you not to send your child in with chocolate, crisps or sweets of any kind. Children in the Foundation Stage and KS1 are provided with fruit every day as part of the National Fruit Scheme.

WATER Research shows that our brains need water to stay active and alert. All children are encouraged to bring water into school daily, in a spill-proof plastic bottle that they can take home at night to rinse and refill.